Sunday, September 28, 2008
Paying Respects... RIP Che Still
You see, this has been a year of loss. First my dog Stitch at the beginning of year, then my Lolo (Grandpa) Roding, followed by my brother's good friend Kevin Hickman, then four of my coworkers losing two moms, a dad and a nephew, to Riverside's Harvest pastor losing his son in a car crash, and now this. I couldn't believe how much loss, sorrow, and mourning has occured in the past 9 months of 2008. I really hope that this is it for this year...
Initially, I contemplated about whether or not to attend Che's services. We had lost touch in high school when he decided to attend Centennial instead of La Sierra. Even though we'd see each other during high school games, it still felt sort of awkward. But something inside of me felt so strongly about paying my respects. Besides, this was a last goodbye. Even at a such a young age, I knew Che was genuinely a good person at heart. He was kind, loyal, and most importantly, a dependable individual. He fit the definition of what it was to be a great friend and it didnt surprise me one bit when others at the funeral described him in the same fashion. I was only 12 when I met him at Arizona Intermediate (representing track A!!) but I'll never forgot that warm personality he possessed. We kept in touch briefly during our post high school years (thanks to myspace) and you couldnt help but appreciate the fact (atleast in this situation) that some people just never change. Even when he befriended Travis Barker, it didnt change the person that he was deep down inside.
I'm glad I was able to pay my respects. I realized it was silly to feel awkward because the whole point of a funeral is to pay your respects, say your final goodbyes, and most importantly celebrate someone's life and thank them for crossing your path. You never forget a great person or how they impacted your lives. It's just so sad that many good people meet with their Creators so suddently (RIP also to Leo Lydon). I just hope that when my time comes, that I've atleast made half the positive impact on my loved ones the way Che and Leo made on theirs. If there's one thing I realized, (and this is coming from the remarks of one of Che's guests) its that death doesnt care about anybody. You need to accept all your regrets and move on. Any beef you have with your friends or family needs to be squashed, because tomorrow you could be in that casket. Just remember... death doesnt care about anybody...
Rest In Paradise Friends. Till we meet again.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Ron!

Yesterday was Ron's 28th birthday! Being the busy bee he is, I initially just planned for a quiet dinner for the both of us. Besides he had school yesterday in Pasadena until about 12pm and his family was unable to make it for dinner anyways. My parents however felt the need to give us a break and treat us out. I think a large part of it has to do with the fact that I revamped my dad's website over the weekend. hehe! just kidding! Actually, I honestly think my parents DID feel that the kiddies (myself, ron, and ejay) DID NEED a break from all the books and work!
So after Ejay got home from school around 430ish, they swooped up Ron and I from La Habra and took the fam out to Redondo Beach. The spot had been a regular "date" weekend getaway for mom & dad, and now they were finally bringing us there!
It was a new experience for me, and one I thoroughly enjoyed! I was tickled at the fact that you picked your live catch and had them cook it. I also couldnt believe how many people had set up to go fishing that night on the pier! The pier shops also consisted of bars, arcades, ice cream parlors, and best of all, a restaurant (i think?) called "quality seafood." Alls I can say is, RED LOBSTER AINT GOT NOTHING ON THIS!!

ron's "bday cake" OOh YUM!
All in all we ate 2 lobsters, 1 crab, a pan of shrimp, that big fish Ron picked out, coleslaw, potato salad, macaroni salad, rice, corn on the cob, and coke! The only thing we had left over was 2 corns on the cob and one full side of the fish!!
My brother, Ron and I were in awe of the feast! We had laid newspapers provided by the market on the table, ate with our hands off paper plates, and had my mom cracking open our lobsters and crab (she's a pro!)! It was out of the norm to for us to be doing that in public. But at that particular place, everyone was doing it!
After we were done grubbin' we strolled the pier to walk off big meal. Talk about quality bonding time, we sure told alot of stories! For dessert, we had engulfed our faces in some fresh baked churros from this bakery on the pier!

We then ended the night back at our condo in La Habra to finish off the presidential debate.
Man, I love being a California Girl!

Happy Birthday Ron!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Congratulations to Janine and Reyno!

This past Sunday (09.21.08), Ron and I attended Janine & Reyno's Wedding Celebration! It seemed like a long time coming due to their 2 year engagement, but they they finally made it! These two share a funny story as to how they first met and fell in love. "Three and half years ago, it all started at CLUB SILK." It took one song, for Janine and Reyno to "shake it like a salt shaker," and the rest was history... that is of course, after Janine bought Reyno a draaank. Hehe! These two were made for each other... they compliment one another effortlessly. And their wedding agenda matched their personalites to the tee! Congrats to Janine and Reyno!
It's so cRaZy how time seems to fly on by...
Besides celebrating the love that these two people have for each other, it was great to see old familar riverside faces. Good ol' Corona/Riverside.. no matter what, you'll always be home!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
First Day of School!!
Initially I was a bit curious as to how the concoction would work. I've dealt with residents in the hospitals before, but never have I been in a class with MD students (who weren't even residents yet). Plus each course roster purposely consisted of only 10 students!
The class discussion unleashed the human side in all of us. I thought about my cousin, Ate Jennifer, who is also in medical school and wondered if she felt the same way these medical students felt: confused, fatigued, and uncertain. Unlike the MDs in the class, the RNs have already been exposed to various clinical experiences and have been fitted into our specialty shoes. Our graduate school experience was designed to build upon our specialty, not take rotations to find that "nitch."
Overall, I think this is going to be an enriching experience. My intimate group of 10 were all unique, kind, and welcoming. I guess this is what everyone refers to when they talk about UCLA and networking. It was amazing to discover that 6 students came from different parts of the US, while 2 students came from different countries. I guess its a little bit nerdy of me to say but, just like five year old kids are excited for their first day in kindergarten, I'm soooo excited for my educational experience here at UCLA! Go Bruins :-)
Friday, September 19, 2008
Hello Blog Spot dot Com
Although I fancied the sleek, modern, and professional feel of this host site, the shoe size was just too tight of a fit!
Being the dork I am, I cursed at the computer monitor whenever wordpress restricted me from posting! I couldn’t embed youtube videos or music. Posting pics alone was a hassle because it required that you open a separate window rather than just input the damn host url into the readily provided html box.
Now I’m sure there’s sooome way to go around all over of this, but you could hold your secret dearly! Quite frankly I don’t have time for that lecture let alone blogging as it is!
Therefore I’ve migrated to blogspot with an instant sigh of relief. Ahhhh yesss... so USER FRIENDLY. My life is complicated enough as it is to worry about the technicalities of blogging. I just want to write and press publish.
Thank you blog spot for being so friendly.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
All in Political Fun!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Stepping Out of the Dark Side...
This morning I finished my last ever “required” night shift from UCIMC! I’m so relieved to finally venture into the day“light” and live like a “normal person!!” But yet the feeling is oh so bittersweet. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the principles that this institution has set forth, such as the research basis for patient care and evidence based practice; I just couldn’t juggle the nocturnal lifestyle while pursing my academic goals. I’ll really miss this place! My supervisor and manager were very supportive and accommodating, and my coworkers were some of my first friends that I made in Orange County. I’ll also miss the nursing autonomy that was rightfully respected due to Magnet Hospital recognition, as well as the cohesiveness and willingness to help from my colleagues.
I'm pretty sure that if I would have anywhere else, I would have comfortably settled within my role as a bedside nurse. Instead, Practice Council and NANN involvement have broadened my perspective on how I could better build upon my practice to become a safer RN.
Thanks UCIMC for the great foundation and opportunities.
**And to everyone out there, always appreciate your nocturnal workforce. No matter what anyone says, it is so hard on the body and mind. The lack of true deep rem sleep will leave you discombobulated and even worse, cranky (not to mention, the toll it takes on your skin!). Even if you’re responsibility free and able to squeeze in 6+ hours of “recovery” sleep during the day, you STILL wake up feeling like you have just been up all night! Then there’s the following night off when you’re unable to sleep! So again, appreciate the nocturnal workforce. It’s hard enough having to do your job; but it’s even harder when your body is screaming for a comfy bed.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Feeling Lucky & Going with the Beat!
[[sound trippin' to ]] Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat: Lucky
Ron has only been in school for a week and I’ve already lost him…
I remember back during our very first club outing at Desert Rain. My friends met up with his friends at Casino Morongo and before we knew it, we were getting down on the dance floor! Ron, being far from a shy guy, was trying to impress me with his dance moves. Well it worked and I was immensely captivated. His interpretation of the body roll was smooth, but oh so awkward. He was trying though, making love to the beat but I couldn’t stop giggling at how funny, I mean cute it was!But hey! That dance trick did catch my attention, as well as one of Rachael Ray’s associate producers! So yes, ladies and gentlemen, my husband is super cool with his signature dance move: the body roll. Hollllllla!
Now, the music has changed. That stage stealing mistress of his, “Annie Sthesia,” has already seduced him into routine and she’s made it very clear that only two can tango. So for now, Ron’s dance card is full. It’s been somewhat of a difficult transition, having him gone five days a week, when we were so use to having four days off from our working schedule.
We’ve had a few fights and quarrels during the adjustment, none of which lasted that long obviously. You see, I’ve always believed that God works in mysterious ways. At the end of the week, He reminded me of how “lucky” I am when Angela (mommy to be!) posted this song up.
"They don't know how long it takes,
Waiting for a love like this,
Every time we say goodbye,
I wish we had one more kiss,
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will.
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend,
Lucky to have been where I have been,
Lucky to be coming home again,
I'm lucky we're in love in every way,
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed,
Lucky to be coming home someday".
Jason Mraz feat. Colbie Caillat: Lucky
So Miss Annie Sthesia, I’ll let you cut in for this dance. But come August 2010, just like JT brought Sexy Back, Ronald Rea Tolentino Atienza is bringing the body roll back!

Side note: I can’t believe that 11 months ago Ron and I were pronounced “Man & Wife.” Time has slipped right through our fingers!