I've never been one to read *books*, unless of course they were required for some reason. It was a joke for me to join my unit's *Book Club* back at UCIMC because I knew honestly well, that I wouldn't participate. Fortunately for me, the girls didnt mind since Book Club meetings ended up being a perfect excuse to hang out. That was until I watched the movie Twilight and became facisnated with the story's plot. Yes, I jumped the Twilight bandwagon pretty late, but I don't care. It took me a little over a week and a half to complete the entire series. I'm sure I could have had it done sooner but I was in the midst of finals week, finishing up preceptorship at CHOC and celebrating Grace's pinning and Pacquaio's win. It was insane!! I could not put the books down! It was the last thing I read before I fell asleep and the first thing I reached for upon waking up! I'm so surprised and proud of myself for reading & completing ONE book, let alone an entire series!
I'd have to say that my favorite book of series would have to be the first and the last one, Twilight & Breaking Dawn. I enjoyed Twilight because of compelling story line. I loved the *newness* of it all and the compelling story line as it unfolded. How could you not fall in love with Edward Cullen and his family? Breaking Dawn was the conclusion of all the craziness. And it was definitely, CRAZY. Some parts we're a little hard to imagine, but I did appreciate the happy ending. I also have to admit that I did enjoy Jacob's part and sarcasm in book 4. Full Moon was too depressing for me because it reminded me of some past scars (plus it was geared toward Jacob fans), and Eclipse was alright, but irritating at some points (It got better for me towards the end however).
I'm actually quite sad that I finished the series, but I am happy to have my life back!!! Who would have thought that *reading* could be so addicting and time consuming???? I'm so glad I didn't start reading this saga until the last week of school! (It did interfere with my finals, but only a little bit)
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