Yesterday I finished a final paper for my health policy elective class. The hot topic I selected for my paper's discussion was based on relationship between caregiving, longterm care, and the inevitable aging population of baby boomers. Many research articles I've read have claimed that there has been a decline in baby making. Well, I beg to differ!
Today I attended my 4th baby shower of the year. Yes, the year ... and it's barely March! My dear friend Alysce is expecting her first girl, Kalia, this April. Alongside her these lovely ladies are expecting their first borns as well.
Angela Czaplicki just delivered her first baby girl, Emilyn, a few days ago
Christy Trunnell is expecting baby girl Caitlyn anytime now! (March)
Ate Ervy is expecting twin boys in late March/April
Ate Liza is expecting baby girl Vanessa in May
Julie (Anderlik) Guiterrez is expecting baby girl Kailey in May
Jessica Novicio is expecting baby girl Cali this June
Minerva is expecting a baby boy this June/July
Jen Hosana is expecting her first baby boy this summer (July?)
Melissa Castle is expecting her first baby (sex not yet known) this August
And a few days ago, my Ate Beverly just announced that she's pregnant with her second baby!
I don't know what's in the water these days, but one thing's for sure: It's Baby Fever! (And it's alot of girls, so far, hehe)
And don't be asking me about any baby fever! I'm in school remember :)
Anyways, here are some pictures from Alysce's baby shower

angie was 1 of the 4 in my new grad group (July 05).
She moved to UCLA's NICU later on. It was sooooo great to see her!!
And since we're on the topic of babies and I'm really late on these.. Here's some of my niece Khayla from her 1st birthday!! She's the 1st baby I've witnessed to actually ENJOY an astrojump!

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